GEM5, DRAMSim2에 Buffer Hit, Miss 추가
2021. 6. 21. 18:27
GEM5에 DRAMSim2 설치는 아래와 같이 한다.
Follow these steps to get DRAMSim2 as part of gem5
1. Download DRAMSim2
1.1 Go to ext/dramsim2 (this directory)
1.2 Clone DRAMSim2: git clone git://
2. Compile gem5
2.1 Business as usual
3. Run gem5 with DRAMSim2
3.1 Use --mem-type=dramsim2 and set the device and system configuration
$ vim ./gem5/ext/dramsim2/DRAMSim2/BankState.h
CurrentBankState currentBankState;
unsigned openRowAddress;
uint64_t nextRead;
uint64_t nextWrite;
uint64_t nextActivate;
uint64_t nextPrecharge;
uint64_t nextPowerUp;
BusPacketType lastCommand;
unsigned stateChangeCountdown;
BankState(ostream &dramsim_log_);
void print();
위의 코드를 아래와같이 수정한다.
CurrentBankState currentBankState;
unsigned openRowAddress;
uint64_t nextRead;
uint64_t nextWrite;
uint64_t nextActivate;
uint64_t nextPrecharge;
uint64_t nextPowerUp;
BusPacketType lastCommand;
unsigned stateChangeCountdown;
#ifdef RYOTTA
unsigned lastOpenRow;
unsigned long rowBufferAccessTimes =0;
unsigned long rowBufferHitTimes=0;
unsigned long rowBufferMissTimes=0;
unsigned long rowBufferWriteHits=0;
unsigned long rowBufferWriteMiss=0;
unsigned long rowBufferReadHits=0;
unsigned long rowBufferReadMiss=0;
BankState(ostream &dramsim_log_);
void print();
$ vim ./gem5/ext/dramsim2/DRAMSim2/Rank.h
Rank(ostream &dramsim_log_);
virtual ~Rank();
void receiveFromBus(BusPacket *packet);
void attachMemoryController(MemoryController *mc);
위의 코드를 아래와같이 수정한다.
Rank(ostream &dramsim_log_);
virtual ~Rank();
void receiveFromBus(BusPacket *packet, unsigned long *BufferWriteHits,
unsigned long *BufferWriteMiss,
unsigned long *BufferReadHits,
unsigned long *BufferReadMiss,
unsigned long *BufferAccess);
void attachMemoryController(MemoryController *mc);
$ vim ./gem5/ext/dramsim2/DRAMSim2/Rank.cpp
void Rank::receiveFromBus(BusPacket *packet)
switch (packet->busPacketType)
case READ:
//make sure a read is allowed
if (bankStates[packet->bank].currentBankState != RowActive ||
currentClockCycle < bankStates[packet->bank].nextRead ||
packet->row != bankStates[packet->bank].openRowAddress)
case WRITE:
//make sure a write is allowed
if (bankStates[packet->bank].currentBankState != RowActive ||
currentClockCycle < bankStates[packet->bank].nextWrite ||
packet->row != bankStates[packet->bank].openRowAddress)
위의 코드를 아래와같이 수정한다.
void Rank::receiveFromBus(BusPacket *packet, unsigned long *BufferWriteHits,
unsigned long *BufferWriteMiss,
unsigned long *BufferReadHits,
unsigned long *BufferReadMiss,
unsigned long *BufferAccess)
switch (packet->busPacketType)
case READ:
#ifdef RYOTTA
if(packet->row == bankStates[packet->bank].lastOpenRow){
else {
bankStates[packet->bank].lastOpenRow = packet->row;
//make sure a read is allowed
case WRITE:
#ifdef RYOTTA
if(packet->row == bankStates[packet->bank].lastOpenRow){
else {
bankStates[packet->bank].lastOpenRow = packet->row;
//make sure a write is allowed
READ, READ_P, WRITE, WRITE_P에 위와같은 코드를 입력한다.
$ vim ./gem5/ext/dramsim2/DRAMSim2/MemoryController.h
// energy values are per rank -- SST uses these directly, so make these public
vector< uint64_t > backgroundEnergy;
vector< uint64_t > burstEnergy;
vector< uint64_t > actpreEnergy;
vector< uint64_t > refreshEnergy;
위의 코드를 아래와같이 수정한다.
// energy values are per rank -- SST uses these directly, so make these public
vector< uint64_t > backgroundEnergy;
vector< uint64_t > burstEnergy;
vector< uint64_t > actpreEnergy;
vector< uint64_t > refreshEnergy;
#ifdef RYOTTA
vector< unsigned long > BufferWriteHits;
vector< unsigned long > BufferWriteMiss;
vector< unsigned long > BufferReadHits;
vector< unsigned long > BufferReadMiss;
$ vim ./gem5/ext/dramsim2/DRAMSim2/MemoryController.cpp
//Power related packets
backgroundEnergy = vector <uint64_t >(NUM_RANKS,0);
burstEnergy = vector <uint64_t> (NUM_RANKS,0);
actpreEnergy = vector <uint64_t> (NUM_RANKS,0);
refreshEnergy = vector <uint64_t> (NUM_RANKS,0);
totalEpochLatency = vector<uint64_t> (NUM_RANKS*NUM_BANKS,0);
위의 코드를 아래와같이 수정한다.
//Power related packets
backgroundEnergy = vector <uint64_t >(NUM_RANKS,0);
burstEnergy = vector <uint64_t> (NUM_RANKS,0);
actpreEnergy = vector <uint64_t> (NUM_RANKS,0);
refreshEnergy = vector <uint64_t> (NUM_RANKS,0);
#ifdef RYOTTA
BufferWriteHits = vector <unsigned long >(NUM_RANKS,0);
BufferWriteMiss = vector <unsigned long >(NUM_RANKS,0);
BufferReadHits = vector <unsigned long >(NUM_RANKS,0);
BufferReadMiss = vector <unsigned long >(NUM_RANKS,0);
totalEpochLatency = vector<uint64_t> (NUM_RANKS*NUM_BANKS,0);
//prints statistics at the end of an epoch or simulation
void MemoryController::printStats(bool finalStats)
if (finalStats)
위의 코드를 아래와같이 수정한다.
//prints statistics at the end of an epoch or simulation
void MemoryController::printStats(bool finalStats)
if (finalStats)
#ifdef RYOTTA
for(int i=0;i<NUM_RANKS;i++){
printf("%d RANK : BufferAccess %lu\n",i,BufferAccess[i]);
printf("%d RANK : BufferWriteHits %lu\n",i,BufferWriteHits[i]);
printf("%d RANK : BufferWriteMiss %lu\n",i,BufferWriteMiss[i]);
printf("%d RANK : BufferReadHits %lu\n",i,BufferReadHits[i]);
printf("%d RANK : BufferReadMiss %lu\n",i,BufferReadMiss[i]);
if (outgoingCmdPacket != NULL)
if (cmdCyclesLeft == 0) //packet is ready to be received by rank
outgoingCmdPacket = NULL;
//check for outgoing data packets and handle countdowns
if (outgoingDataPacket != NULL)
if (dataCyclesLeft == 0)
//inform upper levels that a write is done
if (parentMemorySystem->WriteDataDone!=NULL)
(*parentMemorySystem->WriteDataDone)(parentMemorySystem->systemID,outgoingDataPacket->physicalAddress, currentClockCycle);
위의 코드를 아래와같이 수정한다.
if (outgoingCmdPacket != NULL)
outgoingCmdPacket = NULL;
//check for outgoing data packets and handle countdowns
if (outgoingDataPacket != NULL)