GEM5 v21.2.1.1, L2 private cache, L3 shared cache
2022. 5. 12. 13:20
1. configs/common/ 파일에 l3 cache option 추가
parser.add_argument("--l3cache", action="store_true")
2. configs/common/ 파일에 l3 cache class 추가
class L3Cache(Cache):
assoc = 16
tag_latency = 32
data_latency = 32
response_latency = 32
mshrs = 32
tgts_per_mshr = 24
write_buffers = 16
3. src/mem/ 파일에 L3XBar class 추가
class L3XBar(CoherentXBar):
width = 32
frontend_latency = 1
forward_latency = 0
response_latency = 1
snoop_response_latency = 1
snoop_filter = SnoopFilter(lookup_latency = 0)
point_of_unification = True
4. src/cpu/ 파일에 L3XBar import
from m5.objects.XBar import L3XBar
5. src/cpu/ 파일에 addThreeLevelCacheHierarchy() 함수 정의
def addThreeLevelCacheHierarchy(self, ic, dc, l3c, iwc = None, dwc = None):
self.addPrivateSplitL1Caches(ic, dc, iwc, dwc)
self.toL3Bus = xbar if xbar else L3XBar()
self.l3cache = l3c
self.toL3Bus.mem_side_ports = self.l3cache.cpu_side
self._cached_ports = ['l3cache.mem_side']
6. configs/common/ 에 L3Cache 및 l3_cache_class 정의
def config_cache(,) 를 아래와 같이 수정한다. --l3cache 옵션이 True 일때만 L2 Cache는 Private으로 작동하게된다.
def config_cache(options, system):
if options.external_memory_system and (options.caches or options.l2cache):
print("External caches and internal caches are exclusive options.\n")
if options.external_memory_system:
ExternalCache = ExternalCacheFactory(options.external_memory_system)
if options.cpu_type == "O3_ARM_v7a_3":
import cores.arm.O3_ARM_v7a as core
print("O3_ARM_v7a_3 is unavailable. Did you compile the O3 model?")
dcache_class, icache_class, l2_cache_class, walk_cache_class = \
core.O3_ARM_v7a_DCache, core.O3_ARM_v7a_ICache, \
core.O3_ARM_v7aL2, \
elif options.cpu_type == "HPI":
import cores.arm.HPI as core
print("HPI is unavailable.")
dcache_class, icache_class, l2_cache_class, walk_cache_class = \
core.HPI_DCache, core.HPI_ICache, core.HPI_L2, None
dcache_class, icache_class, l2_cache_class, l3_cache_class, walk_cache_class = \
L1_DCache, L1_ICache, L2Cache, L3Cache, None
if buildEnv['TARGET_ISA'] in ['x86', 'riscv']:
walk_cache_class = PageTableWalkerCache
# Set the cache line size of the system
system.cache_line_size = options.cacheline_size
# If elastic trace generation is enabled, make sure the memory system is
# minimal so that compute delays do not include memory access latencies.
# Configure the compulsory L1 caches for the O3CPU, do not configure
# any more caches.
if options.l2cache and options.elastic_trace_en:
fatal("When elastic trace is enabled, do not configure L2 caches.")
if options.l3cache:
system.l3 = l3_cache_class(clk_domain=system.cpu_clk_domain,
**_get_cache_opts('l3', options))
system.tol3bus = L3XBar(clk_domain = system.cpu_clk_domain)
system.l3.cpu_side = system.tol3bus.mem_side_ports
system.l3.mem_side = system.membus.cpu_side_ports
elif options.l2cache:
# Provide a clock for the L2 and the L1-to-L2 bus here as they
# are not connected using addTwoLevelCacheHierarchy. Use the
# same clock as the CPUs.
system.l2 = l2_cache_class(clk_domain=system.cpu_clk_domain,
**_get_cache_opts('l2', options))
system.tol2bus = L2XBar(clk_domain = system.cpu_clk_domain)
system.l2.cpu_side = system.tol2bus.mem_side_ports
system.l2.mem_side = system.membus.cpu_side_ports
if options.memchecker:
system.memchecker = MemChecker()
for i in range(options.num_cpus):
if options.caches:
icache = icache_class(**_get_cache_opts('l1i', options))
dcache = dcache_class(**_get_cache_opts('l1d', options))
# If we have a walker cache specified, instantiate two
# instances here
if walk_cache_class:
iwalkcache = walk_cache_class()
dwalkcache = walk_cache_class()
iwalkcache = None
dwalkcache = None
if options.memchecker:
dcache_mon = MemCheckerMonitor(warn_only=True)
dcache_real = dcache
# Do not pass the memchecker into the constructor of
# MemCheckerMonitor, as it would create a copy; we require
# exactly one MemChecker instance.
dcache_mon.memchecker = system.memchecker
# Connect monitor
dcache_mon.mem_side = dcache.cpu_side
# Let CPU connect to monitors
dcache = dcache_mon
# When connecting the caches, the clock is also inherited
# from the CPU in question
system.cpu[i].addPrivateSplitL1Caches(icache, dcache,
iwalkcache, dwalkcache)
if options.memchecker:
# The mem_side ports of the caches haven't been connected yet.
# Make sure connectAllPorts connects the right objects.
system.cpu[i].dcache = dcache_real
system.cpu[i].dcache_mon = dcache_mon
if options.l3cache:
system.cpu[i].l2 = l2_cache_class(clk_domain=system.cpu_clk_domain,
**_get_cache_opts('l2', options))
#system.cpu[i].tol2bus = L2XBar(clk_domain = system.cpu_clk_domain)
system.cpu[i].tol2bus = L2XBar(clk_domain = system.cpu_clk_domain)
system.cpu[i].l2.cpu_side = system.cpu[i].tol2bus.mem_side_ports
system.cpu[i].l2.mem_side = system.tol3bus.cpu_side_ports
elif options.external_memory_system:
# These port names are presented to whatever 'external' system
# gem5 is connecting to. Its configuration will likely depend
# on these names. For simplicity, we would advise configuring
# it to use this naming scheme; if this isn't possible, change
# the names below.
if buildEnv['TARGET_ISA'] in ['x86', 'arm', 'riscv']:
ExternalCache("cpu%d.icache" % i),
ExternalCache("cpu%d.dcache" % i),
ExternalCache("cpu%d.itb_walker_cache" % i),
ExternalCache("cpu%d.dtb_walker_cache" % i))
ExternalCache("cpu%d.icache" % i),
ExternalCache("cpu%d.dcache" % i))
if options.l3cache:
system.cpu[i].connectAllPorts(system.cpu[i].tol2bus.cpu_side_ports, system.membus.cpu_side_ports, system.membus.mem_side_ports)
elif options.l2cache:
system.membus.cpu_side_ports, system.membus.mem_side_ports)
elif options.external_memory_system:
system.membus.cpu_side_ports, system.membus.mem_side_ports)
return system
7. Build
scons ./build/X86/gem5.opt
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